Friday, September 11, 2009

San Diego trip for Diane's Surprise BD Fun! Fun!

First stop... Pine Valley for ice cream. Memories of lots of times stopping here.
Bobby and I stopped at the beach on the way in. Yah, it was his idea. Go figure!
We enjoyed the weather for a few hours and that's Bobby surfing. After all, he is
a SD boy born and bred!

The guys work hard (ok, pretty hard) to clean up the yard for the party. It was leaf city.

This was the smoothie bar. Zach and Seth did a great job!

Breakfast by the pool. What a life!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sept 1 Dove Opener '09

Look at those poor little dead dove- boy I'm a
good shot!

There were 4 of us: Bobby and I, Bill and Dean