Friday, November 5, 2010

I Shot My first Mule Deer Buck!!!!

Well here he is, my first mule deer buck. I shot him on opening morning 10-29-10 about 6am. We hunted area 36B down in Arivaca in the southwest corner of the state. Ya, he's little, but I'm proud to have gotten one. I made an "excellent" shot (if I do say so myself). I didn't have a bit of "buck fever" and I had the best guide in the state, my hunter man, my husband Bobby. He made sure I had every convenience and worked hard to scout and find me a buck. thanks sweetheart. Sundog, our new found mountainman/ deer skinner, cut up my buck and we gave the meat to the Arivaca Boys ranch, Bobby is back in Arivaca this weekend and just text me that he got him first whitetail buck - a 3x3. More of that to come.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Annual Ginos Halloween Party

My blog post are way past due but so thankful that Cate is now home (and since she knows how to blog now) will be updating my blog for me the best she can.

So here is the 09 Ginos Annual Halloween Party and a few pictures of our fun and awesome friends that always participate and join in the fun!!! Oct is coming up fast and that means the 2010 party is almost here. The theme will be "Rock Stars" so put your costume hats on and be thinking of the rock star you want to be! Love you all

Monday, March 1, 2010

We are GRANDPARENTS!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

The Newest addition to out family. Pete and Stephanie had their first Baby Girl and we couldn't be happier. Welcome to the world Addison

Bobby is a first time Grandpa!!! Look how cute he is holding her :)

Pete Phend- The new daddy holds his baby girl

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The "LOVE" party

Pictures to come.....
Last night was Taylor's annual Valentines Party. What a hoot! It's always fun to party with cool people and have some laughs. It was a great time with grreat food and deserts. The games were questionable.... a little too much toe jam and a little too much personal lovey dovey information coming forth (if you know what I mean!). Morris' are definitly game players and a force to be reckoned with. They seem to win all the games. (Of course when you are that old... you are more experienced!) But this year Brewers squeeked by them ,but it was close! We love you all and feel fortunate to be included.

A visit to Kate at EA- Feb 2010

I always think I have to have pictures to make a post on my blog. But I don't....and I'm just realizing it! Bobby and I went up to see Kate at EA and had a great visit with her. We miss her so much. There is just something missing at home...and it's Kate. But the best thing of all is that she LOVES it there! I am so happy to see her happy. She is going to dances, making friends, working hard in school and growing spiritually in her calling as she serves for the first time that she is on her own. I'm so proud of her. I will get some of her college pics and see if I can put them on here.
We brought home her bike. What made me think she'd ride it????? I should of known. There is always a friend or roomate that has a car. Plus.... you can walk the wh0le length of Thatcher in 5 minutes!!! He He

Friday, September 11, 2009

San Diego trip for Diane's Surprise BD Fun! Fun!

First stop... Pine Valley for ice cream. Memories of lots of times stopping here.
Bobby and I stopped at the beach on the way in. Yah, it was his idea. Go figure!
We enjoyed the weather for a few hours and that's Bobby surfing. After all, he is
a SD boy born and bred!